Big Ding First Aid Kit - TRAVEL & SURF: Story

In summary, there were four reasons that motivated us to realize the product:
These 4 ingredients led to the idea. It was clear to, that an idea is worth nothing without execution, so we got started.

Surf trips and travel pharmacy
Surfing is not only a passion for us, but also a way of life. The fascination offered by the endless waves in the most remote parts of the world is indescribable. But with the unbridled spirit of adventure comes a certain responsibility. Surfing travel means being in sometimes remote regions where medical care is not always easily accessible. For this reason, it is crucial to always carry a well-stocked first-aid kit and bandages to be prepared for possible surfing injuries. Whether it's a minor cut, bruise or even a major injury, the right equipment can mean the difference between a minor disruption and a serious problem. Like most other surfers, we pack a bag or bag with the most important bandages and medication to ensure the surf trips are properly prepared.
Pain with packing
Gathering and packing the first aid utensils, bandages, etc. has always been tedious and rather annoying. With other first aid kits we missed the surf cover, they were bulky and heavy and not exactly appealing in terms of design.

Eisbach Risk of Injury
We also like surfing at our local Rapid Surf Spot Eisbach, where injuries are on the daily menu. Accidents with lacerations and abrasions often occur there and we would often have been happy to have had a first aid kit with us in our backpack have - either for ourselves or to help another surfer.(*Credits: @jakob_kratz and @niibuma).
Out of our own interest, our search for a first aid kit for surfers on the web was disappointed. We were amazed that there is no suitable first aid kit for this target group in Europe.
From Idea to Execution
So, the idea of our own Big Ding First Aid Kit Surf & Travel was born. It was clear to us that an idea is worth nothing without execution, so we got started. We considered which first-aid components are essential for surfing trips and at the same time pursued the goal of making the first-aid bag as light and space-saving as possible. For regulatory reasons, it is not allowed to pack items like iodine disinfection, scalpel blades or syringe needles in the kit, which we would have liked to have packed in the kit. However, experienced surfer travelers will take additional items from the pharmacy with them on their trip one way or another. Our recommendations for complementary tools and medicines are in the set. The bag offers enough space for a few more components.
Heute sind wir stoked, dass das Set endlich Realität wird. Obendrein passt die neue Produktkategorie unfassbar gut zu unserer DNA und Kernkategorie Surfboard Repair
First Aid Kit buy online
If you want to learn more about the Surfer First Aid Kit, click here and learn all about the Big Ding Surf & Travel First Aid Kit.